The Mermaid: Building Work To Commence Summer 2020 | Epsom College
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The Mermaid: Building Work To Commence Summer 2020

Epsom is experiencing an exceptional period of popularity, growth and success. At A-level, the College has advanced through The Telegraph School Leagues Tables: 87th in 2017, 73rd in 2018, 43rd in 2019.

The Good Schools Guide attests to the fact that Epsom is “a school that’s really going places” and the College is seeking to harness this period of advancement further to improve our pupils’ education and future prospects by building a new Centre for Excellence.

Towards this end, the Governors have appointed architects to fashion an exceptional 2,000 sq m new building at the heart of the College. The Mermaid is poised to be one of the largest developments that the College has undertaken; the timing is propitious for us to transform our pupils’ educational experience.

Located on the site of the former Tuck Shop and College Stores, The Mermaid will include a lecture theatre, classrooms, learning pods, a gallery and café, and cinema screening room, enabling us to continue to deliver an exceptional learning experience across many disciplines, in state-of-the-art facilities.

Designed to develop independent learning and prompt academic curiosity, this innovatory centre of intellectual excellence will help our pupils learn in an inspiring environment, enhancing their studies and preparing them for a successful transition to university and the world beyond.

Planning permission has been granted and building works will officially commence in the summer of 2020; however, further financial resources are still required.

This new development is to cost £9.4 million. Together with College support and through your generosity we have already raised £5.4 million in pledges and donations towards this balance – but there is still some way to go.

To make a donation or pledge your support to the College please contact Helen Tranter, Education Trust Director on 01372 821290

Mermaid gift booklet