The Mermaid Light Show | Epsom College
  • OEs

The Mermaid Light Show

As the nights draw in, you may have had the opportunity to see the light show which has been running this week on the walls of Old Granville. The show was designed by the Education Trust to promote the Mermaid Campaign and raise awareness of this exciting new development.

The Mermaid is one of the largest building projects that Epsom College has ever undertaken. At a cost of £9.4 million, the new development is well underway with the steel structure and roof now in place.

Spread over 2000sqm, the building will transform the educational experience of all our pupils, providing a lecture theatre, cinema screening room, large and spacious gallery, cafeteria, and a variety of large and small classrooms and learning pods.

This landmark development has only been made possible through the generosity of our community. Together we have already raised in excess of £3 million in donations and we hope that everyone will help support the final phase of this development.

Support The Mermaid – Sponsorship of Bricks

Many of our community have made their donation by sponsoring a brick. We plan to have a large wall full of Epsomians’ names in place before we open the building to our pupils in September 2022.

There is still some way to go to include as many current pupils and families as possible, and we hope that if you have not done so already, you will join us in this endeavour.

A brick may be named after you, your children, your family, or even a teacher, tutor or friend. All donations of any size are most welcome. Bricks are £250 each and for contributions of £500 or over, your name will also appear on the Donor Board.

When in place, the wall will, undoubtedly, be a great spectacle for many generations of Epsom pupils to see and for you to visit for many years to come.

If you would like any further information about The Mermaid building or the brick campaign, please do contact Education Trust Director, Ms Helen Tranter, on 01372 821290 or email, and if you did not get a chance to see the light show in person, a recording can be seen below.



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