The Mermaid Time Capsule | Epsom College
  • Lower School

The Mermaid Time Capsule

Representatives from the Lower School and the Lower Sixth recently gathered to prepare the Mermaid Time Capsule.

The Lower School pupils were tasked to decide ten items to be included in the capsule. The objects were chosen for their relevance to Epsom College but also to reflect the world around them today. Items include the Lower School House badges, a pack of lateral flow Covid-19 testing kits, an Epsom College branded facemask, a copy of The Link magazine and various photographs capturing Epsom College today.

Packed in archive quality materials, so that the contents stand the test of time, this will prove to be a fascinating snapshot of life for pupils to see in 50 years’ time when the capsule is scheduled to be reopened. The capsule will be installed in The Mermaid in due course, in conjunction with the installation of the named bricks and the Donor Board.

Many families, OEs, staff and members of the extended College community have already donated to have a named brick with over 500 now sponsored. As we work to complete this project, please do get in touch if you would like to be included in the brick campaign and add your own legacy to this exciting and progressive building. Email or telephone 01372 821042.