Tom Maloney Wins Spanish Translation Competition | Epsom College
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Tom Maloney Wins Spanish Translation Competition

Upper Sixth pupil, Tom Maloney, is one of ten winners in the University of Sheffield’s Spanish Translation Competition 2020.

The judges provided the following comments on Tom’s translation: “This is an excellent translation which faithfully captures the nuances of the Spanish original and is successfully written in idiomatic English. The author has recognised that this is an opinion piece and, in so doing, has maintained some elements of informality in the translation (e.g. the use of contractions). In terms of style and word choice, the author has chosen to employ a balanced translation with relevant instances of idiomatic translation, which is faithful to both the target and source languages. Well done!”

In recognition of his achievement, Tom received an Amazon gift voucher and an invitation to take part in a special virtual Translation Workshop organised by the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Sheffield, involving academics in Hispanic studies, Masters students in Translation Studies and alumni who work in translation-related fields.