Top Represented School in British U18 Squad | Epsom College
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Top Represented School in British U18 Squad

Four Lower Sixth shooters have been selected for the British Under 18 Squad. Lexy Poulton, Tallulah White, Oliver Hughes and Thomas Booth will attend a final selection weekend in the summer, after which a team of eighteen will travel to Jersey in August.

No other school has as many pupils in the squad, demonstrating that the pupils’ commitment to the opportunities for competition at Bisley in August and September of 2020 have really paid off.

In normal times, the British Under 18 Rifle Team, would conduct an exchange with their peers in Canada and enjoy a four week trip to Ottawa. Instead, this year the team is planning to tour Jersey which has a stunning range in the north of the island.

This is the most prestigious junior team in the country and many Commonwealth gold medalists started touring with this team. Old Epsomian Parag Patel was a member of the team in 1994 and has won a number of Commonwealth golds since, as well as being part of numerous world championship teams.

Mr David Nuthall, Head of Shooting