Upper Sixth Artist praised at ARTiculation | Epsom College
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Upper Sixth Artist praised at ARTiculation


Upper Sixth Artist Sanjana Khoobarry (Wh) took part in this year’s ARTiculation competition at the Royal Academy of Arts. ARTiculation encourages young people to communicate confidently and to express their ideas about art.

Sanjana presented a thoroughly researched and eloquently delivered lecture on Lee Miller’s work Woman in Hitler’s Bathtub (1945). The event was adjudicated by Christopher Le Brun, artist and President of the Royal Academy. Christopher Le Brun praised all speakers for tackling complex issues and for their courage in delivering their presentations. In particular, he praised Sanjana for her unusual choice of subject and a confident and fascinating presentation.

Head of Art, Nikolas Arvanitis says, “It is a great experience for young people to stand in front of a large crowd and deliver presentations which encourage further questioning and discussions around art and culture. This year at Epsom we are creating a new Art Society which will consist of prospective candidates from the Fifth Form and Lower Sixth with the aim of competing in the coming years.”