Upper Sixth Students Celebrate Their First Social in Style | Epsom College
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Upper Sixth Students Celebrate Their First Social in Style

On Wednesday 26 January, the College hosted a ‘dinner-dance’ in Big School for the Upper Sixth year group. The event was eagerly anticipated by the pupils (indeed, all places were filled within a few minutes of it being advertised), not least because, due to Covid restrictions, it was the first College social occasion for the year-group since the start of their Sixth Form careers.

With a black-tie dress code, the pupils enjoyed dressing up in their finest outfits, including some stylish velvet jackets, elegant dresses, and even a Scottish kilt. The College Catering Department served a sumptuous three-course dinner, entailing gyoza dumplings for the starter, a main course of chicken katsu curry, and tiramisu for dessert.

The table was then cleared for the dancing, led by Federico, a charismatic and entertaining dancing instructor, along with his dancing partner Sina. Enthusiasm was high as the boys and girls separated to learn the different roles involved in the tango, before pairing up to try out their newly learnt moves. Whilst onlookers observed that the quality of dancing varied quite dramatically, they were in no doubt that all the pupils threw themselves into tango with great enthusiasm and good humour, and great fun was had by all.

The evening finished with a classy exhibition dance by Federico and Sina. Maddie Fairbank (M) said that the dinner dance was “definitely one of my highlights of Sixth Form so far. It was so nice to have dinner with all our school friends and dance with those who you don’t see during the school week, especially with Covid preventing us from socialising together in the past couple years – this night allowed us to all be together and relax while learning the tango!”