Upper Sixth Pupils Secure Competitive Degree Apprenticeships and Overseas University Education | Epsom College
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Upper Sixth Pupils Secure Competitive Degree Apprenticeships and Overseas University Education

Increasingly, students - and employers - are exploring non-traditional routes beyond the College and into the world of work.

Degree apprenticeships and studying overseas are becoming more attractive, as the cost of university degrees soar. Epsom has a strong programme that supports students who wish to explore alternative, less familiar, options. This year, we are thrilled that a number have been offered places in what is an increasingly competitive market. 

“I am particularly delighted by the degree apprenticeship offers that our students have secured,” said Charles Conway, Head of Further Education and Careers.

Gracie Lappin is very well placed, with a range of offers from the Big Four; Freya Johnson has accepted a position with Ernst & Young, and Hector Buzzacott with PwC. Verity Russell, who left Epsom last summer, has also accepted an offer to study with PwC on their degree apprenticeship scheme.

All four will enjoy a university education, plus workplace experience and a foot on their chosen career path once they graduate. All without the burden of student debt.

A further option for Epsom students is overseas study. We are thrilled that Lucy Martin has won a place (with a scholarship) at IE University in Madrid. She will read a course in Business Administration. Along with our established US university programme, we regularly promote European options as an alternative to a UK university education, and of course such a pathway enriches a young person’s CV further down the line. There are a range of English-speaking courses offered across the continent.

We are delighted for all of the students, and hope that younger students will note their progression and give serious thought to these pathways as an excellent alternative to the more typical university route.