Vickers' Project Performances Take to the Stage | Epsom College
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Vickers’ Project Performances Take to the Stage

On Thursday 23 May the second annual Vickers’ Project performances took to the stage. Extracts from two published plays were performed this year, each entirely student-led, and rehearsed in only four weeks. The Performing Arts Centre was packed to the rafters for a wonderful summer’s evening of theatrical passion and prowess.

The first play, The Exam by Andy Hamilton, was directed by Lower Sixth, Lily Moram(M). The Exam is a comic look at the pressures put on young people by parents and teachers. Andrew (Daniel Lodge (C) – Middle Fourth), Chas (Joseph Stonely (P) – Upper Fourth) and Bea (Amelia Thesiger (R) – Middle Fourth) are three candidates of mixed ability who find themselves holed up in the same exam hall waiting for their papers to arrive. As the wait lengthens, each has to survive a powerful barrage of self-doubt and parental pressure. They must come to terms with themselves, their peers and parents. Joseph portrayed the cheeky and comical character Chas with wit and charm, which was a fitting comparison to Daniel’s sympathetic interpretation of the nervous and neurotic Andrew. Amelia complimented both male characters with her sassy and intelligent portrayal of the hardworking Bea.

The second offering of the night was Pauline McLynn’s Angels, directed by Lower Sixth, Melina Azizi-Ershadi (Cr): community service tidying a graveyard is the task given to a bunch of wayward souls who discover more than they bargained for amongst the weeds and carved stone angels in this place where little rests – hilarity, halos, and the odd cup of tea from Father Ted’s favourite Mrs Doyle. The three bickering angels keeping watch over the graveyard were ably portrayed by Middle Fourths, Zoe Wildenberg (Wh), Poppy Tilling (Cr) and Sophie Norman (Wh); all three bringing their own magical interpretation to their roles. Middle Fourths Verity Russell (R) and Toby Ruane Smith (Fa) honestly and cleverly depicted a loving sibling relationship built on eye-rolls and embarrassment! Olivia Thompson-Brown (M) and Amelia Thesiger, also Middle Fourths, delivered a wonderfully comical repartee, with excellent comic timing.

Overall, the students involved offered their attentive audience an evening of theatre, which at times made us laugh out loud and at others appreciate their heartfelt performances. All students should be very proud of their achievements in such a short space of rehearsal time.

The Vickers’ Project takes place in the first half of the summer term every year. It is open to any interested M4, U4 or L6 pupils and they can produce an original piece of theatre or extracts from published plays.