Visiting Prep Schools Impress At 'Musical In A Day' Event | Epsom College
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Visiting Prep Schools Impress At ‘Musical In A Day’ Event

Musical Madness brought together Year 5 pupils from Aberdour, Eaton House The Manor Boys’ School, The Hawthorns and The Roche to explore the style of musical theatre.

The pupils were challenged to learn three musical medley mash-ups: Abba, 42nd Street and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – using different styles of dance and singing, with only an hour spent learning each piece of choreography.

The pupils were definitely put through their paces but thoroughly rose to the challenge, remembering tricky lyrics, dance routines, and – most importantly – acting through song.

It was also encouraging to see so many pupils put themselves forward to sing a solo in the opening number, and all performed confidently. The pupils were enthusiastic, talented, and a joy to work with; the audience enjoyed their passionate performances at the end of a very busy and tiring day.

Thank you to Caitlin Barnett, choreographer, Nevada Summerley on piano, and Rob Hammond on AV.

By Rhiannon Johnson