Volleyball vs the OEs | Epsom College
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Volleyball vs the OEs

A fantastic afternoon of volleyball was played by old and young Epsomians, who have an unquenchable thirst for the game and got better as they got more tired. Had they been able to play until dawn on Sunday, feeding only on the sandwiches and cakes they were provided for tea, they would have done so gladly!

Old Epsomians returning for the fixture were:

  • Emma Hibbitt (ex-R)
  • Ben Hibbitt (ex-Rn)
  • Marco Tao (ex-F)
  • Jacky Liu (ex-G)
  • Alfred Grealis (ex-Rn)
  • Aaron Au (ex-Fa)
  • Dan Kweon (ex-Rn)
  • Victor Cheung (ex-H)
  • Elam Sze (ex-Wh).

They played six sets of 25 points, with the last set ending 30-28. Throughout the afternoon, all displayed the best of their ability, boosted by the vibrant enthusiasm that filled the room. Special mention to Gordon Yuen’s (F) strong sets, blocks and hits, consistent hits from girls’ captain Kay Chan (Wh), with a superb diagonal hit in the second set.

Epsom started slowly in the first set but tried to catch up, finally losing 25-27 due to mainly fantastic blocking and hitting from OEs Jacky Liu, Dan Kweon and Alfred Grealis.

The second set saw them recover from a poor start (13-24) to close in at 20-24 thanks to fantastic serving from Celini Mak (Wh). From then, it only got better from all players with desperate and ultimately successful chasing of balls outside of the court to bring them back into play in never-ending rallies. Brian Cheung’s (F) hits were exceptional, together with his teammates’ brilliant setting and blocking, not forgetting tireless cover.

All in all, it is undeniable to say the OEs won the day, but that all had a memorable afternoon.


  • 27-25 to the OEs
  • 25-21 to the OEs
  • 25-19 to the OEs against the boys’ Epsomians only
  • 27-25 to the current Epsomians
  • 25-19 with mixed teams
  • 30-28 with mixed teams