Sport Round Up - 20 January | Epsom College
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Sport Round Up – 20 January

It has been a very busy and successful start to the term for our Squash players and we have seen some fantastic results across all age groups. This week 19 pupils across four teams qualified for the National Finals in March.

Congratulations to:

  • Cara Naidoo (Year 8, Wardroper)
  • Francesca Nicolosi (Year 9, Rosebery)
  • Satomi Brocklebank (Year 8, Hutchison)
  • Luke McBride (Year 8, Glyn Hughes)
  • Luca Nicolosi (Year 9, Carr)
  • Sophie Church-Jones (Year 8, Wardroper)
  • Freya Gokani (Year 7, Wardroper)
  • Finn Vowles (Year 9, Carr)
  • Rufus Ford (Year 9, Fayrer)
  • Rhyen Patel (Year 9, Propert)
  • Maja Maziuk (Year 10, Wilson)
  • Izzy Hutton (Year 10, Wilson)
  • Luke Camfield (Year 11, Propert)
  • Wilf Baker (Year 11, Fayrer)
  • Ronnie Hickling (Year 10, Carr)
  • Zachary Woolven (Year 10 Carr)
  • Savannah Ingledew (Lower Sixth, Crawfurd)
  • Flo Tanguy (Lower Sixth, Crawfurd)
  • Maddie Pearce (Lower Sixth, Rosebery)

The U13A Football team have made it through to the semi-final of the National ISFA Cup. The 1st and 2nd teams both won in their London Independent School Cup matches this week and the 1st team are looking ahead to their ISFA quarter-final at home against Repton School next Tuesday.

In Netball the U14As won their Sisters n Sport (SNS) Cup match against Croydon High. The U12As won the Tormead tournament on Tuesday and the U13As came third. The Saturday fixtures this week against Charterhouse and Reed’s were hugely successful with 19 wins out of 25 matches.