Sport Round Up - 14 October | Epsom College
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Sport Round Up – 14 October

In Football the 1st team won 2-1 against Harrow in the ISFA U18 cup, with two goals for Ben Boxall (Upper Sixth, Fayrer) 

The Epsom Senior Golf Team won vs Whitgift on Thursday and will progress to the ISGA National Competition. There was more success this week for Kris Kim (Year 10, Fayrer), in the U16 England vs Ireland tournament. He was the only male golfer in the tournament to win all three of his matches.

The Hockey U14s are through the County Final, the U16s are into round three of the cup with a 4-0 win against Bradfield this week and the 1st XI secured wins in the Tier 1 competition against Reeds. 

This has proven to be a fruitful week for the Epsom’s Netball teams at the Surrey Schools Tournament. The 1st VII and U16A teams both won all four of their matches, leaving them in top position with qualification for the Finals in March 2023. The U14A also won three of their matches on Thursday and will progress to the next stage. 

In Rugby 1st XV won their match against Dulwich at home this week, 26-5, progressing through to Round 2 of the National Plate Competition. The U15As also beat Dulwich away in the cup 41-0 and the U14As beat Glyn School 51-5 to reach the Third Round of the National Cup.  

The U16 Girls Ski Race Team finished ninth at the ESSKIA National Finals in Norwich last Saturday, placing them in the top 10 teams in the country. All three girls skied well, Amber Griffin (Year 10, Crawfurd) in 16.60s, Sophie Lovett (Year 8) in 17.89s and Sabrina Smith (Year 10, Raven) in 23.16s. Huge congratulations to the girls, who represented the College brilliantly.