World Book Day: Sharing a Love of Reading | Epsom College
  • Lower School

World Book Day: Sharing a Love of Reading

Pupils and staff at the College joined people from all around the world on Thursday in celebrating UNESCO’s 23rd annual World Book Day, which is designed to promote the pleasure of reading among young people.

The College put together a series of activities and special events throughout the week. These included:

  • Drop Everything and Read, which provided pupils and staff with the opportunity to stop lessons and read a book of their choice for a 25-minute slot during the day. This was an opportunity to underline the importance of reading and to encourage students to take pleasure in books.
  • A Life in Books competition. Whose favourite childhood book was The Borrowers? Whose teenage go-to author was Emily Brontë? And whose current favourite is Nudge?
  • Poet Francesca Beard visited the College to speak to students and judge the M4 Poetry competition. Read about it here.
  • Make a miniature book character. Pupils explored their creative side as they captured the essence of their favourite book character in this craft activity.
  • Lower School Book Day competition: A competition to find the best costume, make the best pitch for a book and do the best reading aloud.