World Book Day: Sharing a Love of Reading | Epsom College
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World Book Day: Sharing a Love of Reading

On Thursday, pupils and staff at Epsom joined the worldwide celebrations for UNESCO’s 25th annual World Book Day. The day is designed to promote the pleasure of reading among young people.

The College organised a series of activities and special events throughout the week. These included: a ‘create your own’ miniature book project, a talk from bestselling author Mary Lawson on her most recent novel A Town Called Solace, and live book readings from staff members in the Quad at lunchtime.

Mary Lawson Visit

On Monday evening we were delighted to welcome bestselling author Mary Lawson who spoke to an audience of staff and Sixth Form about her recent Booker longlisted novel A Town Called Solace.

Mary read from the book, evoking the special atmosphere of a small community in northern Canada, and fascinated the audience with a description of her writing process. It was an inspiring start to our week of book-related activities.

Miniature Book Project

During lockdown at this time last year the College community was invited to make a miniature book as part of a project linked to the British Library. Some of the books produced are on display in the library and cover a remarkable range of topics and skills. For innovation, top marks go to Ms Woodward, Murrell Matron, who delivered a book in a nutshell. Literally.