WW1 memorial production at Epsom Playhouse | Epsom College
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WW1 memorial production at Epsom Playhouse

A cast of pupils, staff and former staff brought to life the challenges, songs and lives of characters from the First World War in Paul Henson’s compelling commemoration script, We Will Remember.

The cast performed superbly as an ensemble and struck exactly the desired note; combining reflection and humour, woven between the stories of the sacrifice made by OEs on the battlefields and by the College, here at home.

The production raised over £1,000 for the Poppy Appeal.

Feedback from audience members:

“A really original and well put together show.”

“I was so absorbed in what I was watching that I didn’t want it to end. It was so very good and so very professional.”

“I just wanted to say how much we enjoyed the production last night. We really appreciated the blend of entertainment, information and remembrance.”

“What a wonderful way to remember the historic date.”

“It certainly gave us a realistic view of the many sides of the war and the impact it had on all. Every aspect of it was enthralling and we were very moved.”