The Medical Centre | Epsom College

Hopefully, your child will remain in good health throughout their time at Epsom. However, if they do feel unwell or pick up an injury at any time, they will be well looked-after by the team of nurses at the College’s Medical Centre.

Illness outside of school

The Medical Centre is here for any child who becomes unwell at school. In all other instances, you should continue to refer to your family GP. 

You should let the College know if you have suffered any serious illness or accident away from College. Please email your Housemistress/Housemaster and Matron, and a note from your Doctor would be appreciated. They will then ensure that the Medical Centre is informed as appropriate. In the case of an infectious disease, the College Doctor will decide if you can return to school. 

Adrenaline pens & inhalers

If you require the use of an adrenaline pen or an inhaler, we require you to keep the ‘instant access’ medication needed on your person, but to also have a clearly labelled spare set left with your Matron. Your parents will be asked to complete a consent form and care plan as appropriate, which will also be kept with Matron and with the Medical Centre.

The Medical Centre does not require such student-specific medication to be kept in the Medical Centre as they have their own emergency stock of Adrenaline pens and Salbutamol inhalers.

Visiting the Medical Centre

The Medical Centre is staffed by Registered Nurses 24 hours a day during term time. GP surgeries are held 8-8:30am (Monday-Saturday) for registered boarding pupils.

Within the Medical Centre, pupils also have access to our counselling service (Monday-Friday) and a physiotherapist.

If you ever have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Medical Centre on 01372 821199 or 07721 072153.

What Happens In An Emergency

If anything happens to you that requires emergency or specialist medical treatment, we will make every effort to inform your parents and gain permission. You should be aware, however, that if any delay to your treatment could prove detrimental, the Head reserves the right to give consent for such treatment, including anaesthetics and surgical operations.

Keeping Us Informed

When you enrol with the College, your parents will complete a series of forms telling us about medical conditions, allergies, medication and vaccinations. We review these annually, but please make us aware of any changes as and when they happen. It’s important that all our records are up-to-date, and staff need to be aware of the medical needs of pupils in their care.

Medical Update Form

Naturally, as with all medical information, details will be held in the strictest confidence.

Pupils may receive their vaccinations during school time if parents wish, below is a schedule of when these take place. Please do update us if your child has their vaccinations carried out privately.

Vaccination Schedule

Confidential Counselling

We take the wellbeing of all our pupils incredibly seriously, but we know that children – like adults – may need a helping hand from time to time. That’s why we have two fully-qualified counsellors onsite.

Our counsellors provide guidance and support on all manner of topics, including:

  • depression and suicidal thoughts
  • anxiety and self-harm
  • trauma and post-traumatic stress
  • separation and attachment issues
  • eating disorders
  • ADHD and autism
  • conduct and emotional disorders

Arrange an Appointment

Ten sessions are available without charge for each pupil. Please speak to your form tutor or Head of Year if you would like to arrange an appointment.

The initial appointment can be anonymous, however, it is sometimes necessary, with your consent, to talk things through with your parents, Housemaster or Housemistress.

Medical Staff

Medical Officers

  • Dr S Johnson, MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCS MRCGP
  • Dr Heather Carr-White, BSc, MBBS, MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG, DFFP


  • Mrs J Braid, RGN
  • Mrs C Hendon, RCN, BSc
  • Mrs M Kabra, RCN
  • Mrs J McGuire, RGN
  • Mrs L Swartfigure, RCN, AdvDip BSc
  • Mrs J Wales, RGN

Healthcare Assistant

  • Miss L Beyer

Nurse Manager

  • Miss Hannah Farish, RGN, AdvDip BMedSci

School Counsellors

  • Ms A Allen BSc (UCL), PGCE (Sussex), MACP (UEL)
  • Ms S Figgieri, MSc, MA, BSc (University of Southampton)


  • Mr C Keevil  MCSP, HCPC