Games & Co-Curricular Activities | Epsom College

Our students want to be rounded, experienced and world-ready. We want to help them. That’s why each day, once lessons are over, all our pupils take part in our award-winning co-curricular programme and benefit from our outstanding sport provision.

Our sportspeople and team have won numerous national titles in the past few years, and our co-curricular programme has received national recognition, being named ‘best of the best’ by The Week.

There are over 150 clubs, societies and activities to choose from, helping students find like minds, new experiences and fresh challenges. And, as members of our Sixth Form, there are multiple leadership opportunities.


Our aim is to remove every barrier to taking part, so students develop a passion for sport regardless of ability. Across 22+ sports, our coaching staff consists of former Olympians and internationals. They take as much satisfaction from a pupil’s personal victory (taking their first wicket, jumping a hurdle) as from an A-team’s national title.

Games lessons are delivered on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Fixtures may take place during the week or at weekends. The below sports options depend on the term:

  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Climbing
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Hockey
  • Rugby
  • Skiing
  • Spinning
  • Squash
  • Swimming
  • Table Tennis
  • Target Rifle
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Weights and Fitness

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Breadth of opportunity

We don’t pigeonhole our pupils, and we don’t want them to limit themselves. That’s why the co-curricular programme provides choice that extends from the academic and cultural to the physical, ensuring that pupils stretch mind as well as muscle.

In the Senior years students take on leadership roles. They work alongside younger pupils – for example, by directing plays – or they lead the academic societies.

And if a burning passion isn’t sated by what’s on offer, students can bid to start their own society. The Climate Committee, Amnesty International and the Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Society are just a few recent examples.

Many of our clubs offer opportunities to compete in national competitions. The STEM Club, for example, competes each year in the UK Rocketry Competition, and races electric cars against schools, universities and youth groups at the Goodwood Race Course (pictured).

Activities are timetabled Monday-Friday, 4.10-5.55pm.

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